Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hong Kong

Hong Kong! First night out, you'll never guess where I end up. I'm quickly getting an impression of what many ex-pats spend their lonely nights doing. A different style again though, this looked and felt like a bar when you came in, except almost every girl in the place was giving you the eye. They even come up and initiate conversation, then act interested! Interestingly they seemed to be a lot more intelligent here and very well travelled, almost everyone I spoke to had been to Melbourne, and seemed to be studying at University, or finished with their degree. There were also a lot of South and Central American girls.

I was still recovering from the Philippines unfortunately, I 'followed through' ruining two pairs of underpants in quick succession. You'd think I'd learn. Eventually I felt stable enough to venture outside, and the weather was perfect. So I decided to head up the peak, it was extremely clear allowing long views from the top.

The peak

The peak

The highlight of Hong Kong was a trip on a Junk, belonging to my friend's wife's work. I had spectacular weather for the whole time in Hong Kong. This boat was massive, and came with our own speed boat.

The boat

We had the whole thing to oursleves, just me, Kevin, Gabby and a couple of their friends. Had lots of fun diving off the boat, drinking wine and taking the speedboat out for some waterski-ing. We stopped for lunch near Clearwater bay, a place you could only access by boat, they had about 30 or more tanks of different live seafood to choose from.

Seafood lunch

A beautiful day out, but a minor addition of colour to my legs now, look, the sun has drawn some pants on me! There were some pretty nice views of Hong Kong from Kowloon at night too.

HK at night


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow you were so lucky with the weather. The only time i went to the peak you couldnt see more then 2 meters in front of you because of the fog!

and im not sure i understand how you "ruined two pairs of underpants"!!!

11:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been at the chillies again? Baboons have spectacularly crimson buttocks as a sexual come-on. That is genetic not irritation by eating too much castor oil plant. I can see this trip will be publishable on your return - if you make it. I have a title "A Hedonist's Heavenly Hurry to Hell".
One photo refused to reveal itself. But you do strike it lucky don't you? At least you didn't presumably have to wait in HK airport to see if there are spare seats to Rome!
Peak views spectacular. I've given Nicky your blog address and he will be interested I am sure. For more than one reason perhaps.

10:21 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loving the stories and photos, Sandy, keep 'em coming!

1:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and can you set up an RSS feed so we know when you've updated the blog?

1:49 pm  
Blogger Flex said...

I have no idea what an RSS feed is, but I've changed a setting so that it "notifies"

12:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great reading about you travels Sandy, and its helping getting me in a holiday mindset for my comparatively paltry 4 weeks in Europe. Keep up the good work! Man, Hong Kong looked amazing; pretty incredible that you could a private junk to chauffer you around.

When will we see blogs on Japan & China??

8:08 am  
Blogger Flex said...

I'm in India at the moment, about 3/4 through China writeup, but it's a pain getting all the photos hooked up and hosted in a place I can link to. Most places don't have an easy way to compress the quality so that I don't have 10 x 2 meg photos show up.

I'm considering skipping Japan and just going straight on to India, depending on how much time I get. I'm completely under the gun in India, I need 5 months, not 10 days, I'm not even sure how I ended up with 10 days, I thought I had way more time! (oh that's right, I missed my plane ..) I'm maximising time by travelling overnight and seeing stuff in the day, but it's getting tiring, particularly carrying around all my thermals for winter, along with a tent and sleeping bag. Perhaps when I get to London, but it's only a couple of days, then Egypt where I'll have no time at all, then Spain.

Let me know when / where you're in Europe, I'll try to swing past, I'll be there late September for a couple of months at least.

10:25 pm  

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