Tuesday, August 01, 2006


My trip begun in typical fashion with a serious injury. With Nick, Michael and Stu all together in Singapore, we decided to head out for some mountain bike riding. I've spent a bit of time on the old bike, but never actually done any 'proper' mountain bike riding: down trails, steep up and down hill sections with roots and rocks trying their best to trip you up. I think I was doing quite well flying around the bends, perhaps this led me to a false sense of confidence. For while riding on the road is one thing, riding on trails is another, and jumps are a completely separate skill to master. I think the last time I tried a jump was when I was 10 years old with a couple of friends just off Park Drive. I remembered it being lots of fun. Shame I don't feel that way about jumps anymore. It was this happy memory combined with my recently acquired confidence that led me to jump (ugh) at the idea when I saw a huge downhill section of track with two jumps at the end. There was probably a good 50 metres of fairly steep downhill before a smallish jump, then another 20 metres before a big one. I pumped away as I headed towards the first jump, flew up into the air and was instantly scared stiff with no idea how I was supposed to land without crushing my most tender of areas. I lent forward a little hoping to approach the ground quicker. This put the balance right off, I could tell I was weighted all wrong. I landed though and managed to control the heavy landing on my front tyre somehow. Oh well, no turning back now, although the thought did shoot through my head. A few more pumps as I approached the big jump, then whee .. oh my god, same problem, it worked last time, I'll just lean forward again .. Next thing I know I'm beginning to do a forward somersault. I turn a bit to the right and slam my shoulder into the ground as I go right over the handle bars and the bike flips on over me. I laugh, then grimace as I try my shoulder out for mobility. I seem able to rotate the arm fully without too much pain, so I figure I'm ok, but it does have a dull ache. The rest of the guys catch up, laughing, then point at my leg. Wow, didn't notice but my sandals are filling with blood. Onwards to a river where I attempt to wash the wounds revealing what looks like something out of a horror movie. It looks like someone had taken to my leg with a cheese grater, I laugh some more and enjoy grossing the guys out. Unfortunately as we ride on we manage to get lost and I'm beginning to really wish I could get back, wash the wounds properly and rest. Eventually we find the way out where Nick, after navigating all of the rocks and roots, manages to flip his front wheel around and fall off his bike on a straight section of smooth road. Apparently some huge bug hit him in the head. We stop for some roti and beer on the way back to the bike shop. One of the waitresses spots my leg, which is now resembling some kind of crazy 3 coloured drink, dripping red blood, seeping yellow liquid and oozing orange slime. She tells me to wash it in the bathroom and she'll apply some chinese medicine.


Waitress: "It stings a little"

Me: "No worries, just like betadine I'm sure"

I have to say this was the most intense, sharp pain I have ever felt. My face went taught and I nearly had to scream. It smelt a little like tiger balm.

Waitress: "Yes, you can't use this on little children"

I was extremely grateful for it though and sure enough, a few weeks down the track, the wounds have healed better than any I've ever had.

On the way back, Mic's pedal and crank fell off, so he decided to jog along next to us up the hills. After about 30 minutes through the 30+ degree heat and sunshine he nearly died, requiring a taxi to transport his heaving sweaty mass back to the shop. This brought the toll of the ride to 4/4 as Stu had managed to use some crazy poisonous leaf to clean his hand of oil from adjusting his chain, leaving it swollen and numb. So a good day out for all!

The next day we had possibly one of the nicest meals I've ever eaten. The buffet at the Grand Hyatt, with delicacies from all around the world, oysters, salmon, snails, sushi, sashimi, satays, dumplings, noodles, a carvery and even a chocolate fountain.



All with freshly squeezed juice or champagne, all you can drink. We ended up retiring to the cigar room.


We had the pleasure of meeting Sasha and his lovely Taiwanese friend. She was very friendly ..


After a couple of whiskeys things were beginning to get blurry, or maybe it was all that cigar smoke. We ended up at a bar in town where frozen margaritas, a few beers and some tequila shots had me trying to pick up a pigeon to bite into it. Thankfully I could barely stand, let alone catch a pigeon. The night ended with everyone throwing me into the pool until security found me and threw me out again.



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